Friday, April 02, 2004

Why on earth would CNN say a tape shown on Letterman depicting a kid bored out of his mind by President Bush's speech was dubbed when it wasn't, and why would Letterman try to blame the White House before he got the whole story?

Was it really THAT slow a news day? Does ANYONE frankly care if the kid was bored? I mean, sheez. Don't we have more important things to talk about here? I'd have been bored if I were there.

I guess a bunch of people are really into this. It might become bigger than the Watergate tapes if we keep it up.

UPDATE: Now the NY Times gets into the act, intimating that the White House has somehow infiltrated CNN. I bet the kid's parents really wish they'd kept him home that day. If Bush did infiltrate CNN, this story will have legs.

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