Monday, April 19, 2004

I'm baaaack. The home computer's hard drive is completely gone - some mechanical error that renders the data unrecoverable absent sending it to one of those experts for about $700. My stuff's not worth that much. So for now, no home blogging or email.

Rosenstrasse's opening weekend was incredible, all in all. We managed to turn in good performances both nights despite technical glitches. They do make the show interesting: Does the squeak in the platform means it's about to collapse beneath us? Will we be able to break into the building again if we get locked out? Will any of the actors will actually pass out from heat exhaustion from wearing wool coats, hats, scarves, mittens, etc. in 80+ degree weather with no airconditioning? Tune in next week to find out.

We also could be getting reviewed in the QC Times - at least they still cover Iowa City theater productions, unlike the Press-Citizen. Why they bother given the distance is something I don't understand - but thanks! Anyway, they were present for Saturday night's performance (and all the above-mentioned technical glitches except actually passing out). We'll see how we did, if we don't get bumped by something else. The Daily Iowan gave us a small article on Friday, which was quite nice.


I open my compuserve email this morning and get this message failure instead of the usual automatic notice for this post:

"The URL contained in your email to AOL members has generated a high volume of complaints. Per our Unsolicited Bulk Email policies, AOL will no longer accept email with the URL contained in your message."

Huh? Which URL? Mine? The DI? Or the QC Times? What's up with the big brother schtick?? I know AOL is notorious for blockage, but sheez.

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