Monday, April 26, 2004


One of the things I love about the letters to the editor are all the right and left wing "intellectuals" who propose the most interesting theories about life, the universe, and everything. This letter to the Press-Citizen is a brilliant example of this not-quite-coherent thinking:

"Mormon Trek feeds oil frenzy

It's really nice that Ernie Lehmann and crew are excited about the Mormon Trek extension ("New money pushes Mormon Trek road project," April 19). This gives me even more incentive to support our president and our war to control Middle East oil. Without this support, all of that vinyl for houses and the gasoline required to trek us out the Mormon trail and soon-to-be new malls, our citizens might be put in a vulnerable position.

Oh, I forgot! We are bringing the Iraqis democracy. Six hundred-plus dead GI's, 10,000 Iraqis. How many others dead from the previous sanctions?

Oh, I also forgot! We are a compassionate and benevolent nation.

Addendum: Why are the businesses in anti-business Iowa City too cheap to fund the Friday night concerts? I spend beaucoup bucks there.

Dennis Kowalski

Iowa City"

So now Ernie Lehman is to blame for Iraq? What color is the sky in your world?

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