Thursday, April 22, 2004

James Lileks over at The Bleat does a bit of blogging on a trend I've noticed lately: commercials based entirely on the idea that Men are Stupid. I'll take that one farther: I have not noticed any new sitcom in the last 5 years or so that didn't have "men are idiots but ya gotta love 'em" as either the main theme or a running subtext.

Not that I want to turn in my feminist card here, but why aren't we demanding the same respect for men? I mean, there's a site going around on the net called "Throw Rocks at Boys." We'd have a fit about a "Throw Rocks at Girls" site and wonder why the entire gender isn't on Ritalin. I despise the hypocrisy of being rabidly vigilant regarding the tiniest slur on our own gender, yet turning a blind eye to blatant slams against the opposite sex.

That said, I personally would tell everyone to lighten up and allow all the "you are an idiot" jokes we can get, no matter what gender or persusion they parody, because I'm pro-humor. (Hey, maybe I can start a political action group?)

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