Friday, May 13, 2005

Drinking Age

State 29 reiterates the (IMHO) common-sense view that an adult should be able to drink. Non-adults should not. But then, neither should they declare bankruptcy, fight in the military, and so forth.

Yes, you can show statistically that many people in the 19-to-21 age bracket make stupid choices with alcohol. You can correlate that with the idea that drunk drivers cause car crashes, and then extrapolate from that correlation the idea that because this age group has trouble with alcohol, and because drunk drivers cause car crashes, you should simply prohibit all people of that age bracket from drinking in order to make the roads safer.

Of course, you can also show statistically the simpler correlation that retirees make sucky drivers. Should we simply yank licenses when you hit 65, regardless of your personal ability to handle driving? It would save lives, you know.

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