Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Playing catch-up from a few days back:

Playing catch-up from a few days back: SCOTUSblog posted a list of cert denied cases. The Court refused to hear the 1st amendment challenge to the national do not call list, so it stands as legal. It also refused Alabama Judge Roy Moore's challenge to his removal from the bench over the 10-commandment flap, and upheld the Campbell v. State Farm decision in which punitive damages were limited. More links on How Appealing.

In case there’s time to stop the invitation: according to the Harvard Crimson, Judge Scalia didn't actually say that "sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged." He said "I even accept for the sake of argument that sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged."

Wonkette makes an interesting point about the Fox news fake Kerry quotes issue:

Liberals seem to be feeling awful smug about Carl Cameron getting caught posting lame fake Kerry quotes, but we're pretty sure the joke's on the Kerry supporters: Any campaign where people worry that "Women should like me! I do manicures!" might be mistaken as a real talking point is in more trouble than Cameron could possibly cause. . . .

State 29 proves that while both sides may stretch the truth in this election year, we do know that Democrats use more naughty words.

Milbarge from Begging the Question has a detailed analysis of a recent 11th Circuit opinion regarding how much “interstate commerce” has to be involved with a case of child porn in order for the feds to be involved, rather than leaving it to the states to prosecute. NOTE: the 11th Circuit is the same court that decided the Alabama sex toy case I blogged on rather extensively in this earlier post. These people obviously have way more interesting parties than we do in the Midwest.

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