Thursday, October 21, 2004


To follow up on two earlier posts:

Scrappleface blogs about Bush's plan to save medicare by sending the elderly to the front lines.

The National Review presents Antonia Frazier with the "Upperclass Twit of the Year" award for her letter to Ohio voters as printed in the Guardian.

Meanwhile, John LeCarre sent his letter in as an op-ed in the LA Times. I guess Ohio just isn't glamorous enough.

As a side note, Greenman feels the flap about this is largely based on our attitude: "I now think that as a whole Americans are proudly self loathing cowboys. We take great pride in our "go it aloneness" and self sufficiency but get really bothered when other countries start "puttin on airs". You know what if we want to be proud of our beer drinking, cowboy hat wearin selves and even our language mangling Buckaroo in Chief than we need to just accept that other within or outside our country may find us bit "common"."

My own sentiments:

1) If I were a "cowboy" it would be well within my character to tell other nations to mind their own business. It's consistent with the whole "go it alone" mentality.

2) Non-cowboys can also resent being treated with condescention. It's kind of a human trait to dislike being looked down upon.

I don't know, maybe some people are being hypocritical about this. But I resent junk mail from any source, even a prim and proper British correspondent.

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