Tuesday, October 12, 2004

'Iowa' is for 'Education'

Saw this on Jennifer's History and Stuff:

I love the movie Ice Age, but it'd be nice if people didn't think it was historically accurate. Twice now I've been in conversations with people who used this cartoon to back up their stance on something. The first time was when someone said Stonehenge was in North America...although she wasn't sure exactly where. "Maybe Canada." When I asked why she thought that, she said that in the movie, the animals go past both Stonehenge and Yellowstone. Oookay. But Stonehenge is in England. "Then why would they have that in the movie?" Dunno. "Maybe they went over the land bridge in Alaska." Yeah, maybe. But I think that'd be an awful long way to walk. Then today the subject of dodo birds came up, and someone said they were wiped out by the last ice age. Sigh. Dodo birds went extinct because humans killed them off in the 1600s.


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