Thursday, March 24, 2005

You Know You're Just Twisted Enough

Dweeze, Not the Moonbat and I may disagree on different aspects the motives of the sentient parties involved with the Schiavo case, but we all agree that she would not want to be here and her wishes should be respected. Dweeze has a good post up on the topic, quoting the libertarian point of view. Basically, if we allow the government to take this decision from us, what have we got? That's why anti-suicide criminal statutes have never made any sense to me. That and the whole attitude: "Oh, you're depressed and want to end it all? We'd better fine/jail you. That'll teach ya." Yep. Helpful, that.

Meanwhile, the Dead Pool has started a Terry Schiavo side pool.

Tasteless, utterly tasteless.

Of course, my pick is already posted in the comments.

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