Tuesday, March 09, 2004

An interesting weekend at the theater, all told. We nearly sold out all three shows, including the never-popular Sunday matinee. The audience appears to be having a great time - on Saturday they even broke out into spontaneous applause in the oddest places. We're having a blast as well. The sole reviewer, on the other hand, seems to feel we turn in a less-than-Broadway-quality performance. Question: How is it possible that Kevin and Elise are unbelievable/over the top, whereas Michelle is a "hoot" and I'm "amusing" with an accent that is "just great." Speaking for myself, my entire character is extremely over the top, and my accent is deliberately atrocious. Michelle is intentionally playing Delilah like Lucille Ball on speed. The whole thing is fun, exaggerated and unbelievable - that's the point of a cheesy 50's comedy.

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