Thursday, March 04, 2004

I was referenced to this news item by Dave Barry's weblog:

An anonymous caller notified New Britain police early Saturday morning after seeing a womandriving a Chevrolet Lumina into the brook at A.W. Stanley Quarter Park. Police said the woman, whose name has not been released, is in her 40s, married, and has children.

"She drove her vehicle partly off the bank. Just the front of the car was in the water," said Sgt. Darren Pearson. "According to the officers on the scene, she told them she was attempting to reenact a scene from the movie, ‘The Passion of the Christ,’ which she said she had recently seen."

I must have missed the car chase scene. Was Jesus driving, or did he leave that to Peter? And the most pressing question: What did Jesus drive, anyway?

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