Thursday, June 03, 2004

UI Law Professor Nick Johnson has an article in today's Press-Citizen about the newsworthiness of blogs. He quotes extensively from Tusk and Talon, primarily his Modest Proposal post back in April, which is still worth the read. If only the PC online edition could learn how to post links so that less google-savvy readers could actually get to the blogs mentioned. Oh, well. They're bound to stumble into 21st century technology someday.

I even get an honorable mention:

"Many bloggers operate with pen names or handles. Cedar Pundit just announced he's taking a spring break from blogging. But Tusk & Talon, Random Mentality and Cornfield Commentary are still blogging on. And someone (not me) has even created an Iowa Environmental/Education Project blog called "Iowa Pork Forest." . . . I have no idea who these folks are, and besides my colleague, I don't think I've ever met one. Maybe they're bright teenagers. Maybe they're other law professors."

I could be a bright teenager?? Hmmm. . . sure, I'll go with that one.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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