Wednesday, June 16, 2004

State 29 wants to start a Google bomb indicating John Kerry is an Elitist Douchebag. Never tried to google bomb, so I decided to learn a new set of skills in the interest of higher education.

So, all politics aside, I'd have to say Kerry is rather an elitist douchebag. Not that I know many people I'd call Elitist Douchebags. But knowing what I know about elitist douchebags, I'd definitely have to rank him in the group. He's not the head elitist douchebag, but he's definitely got some elitist douchebag tendencies.

(There, will that suffice?)

All kidding aside, I should include State 29's original post that led to the bomb. He indicates Kerry cruised up in a limo and cut in line in front of several thousand mourners at Reagan's funeral, did his little press photo op, and left - and he doesn't even agree with Reagan's politics. I suspect this was standard operating procedure for Washington bigwigs? If not, then, yes, he is definitely has elitist douchebag tendencies.

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