Thursday, October 02, 2008

The VP Debate Drinking Game

I'm heading to the Irish Democrat to watch the debate tonight, and found the best Palin/Biden drinking game from The Tech online edition:

Blue Team Rules

  1. For every mention of Scranton, Pennsylvania: Take a sip.
  2. When Biden begins the “I take the train home everyday story” being drinking. Don’t stop ’till he finishes.
  3. When Biden questions Palin’s inexperience: Drink something you’ve never had before
  4. When Biden makes an obvious gaffe: Spill your neighbor’s drink
  5. When Biden uses X words when Y will do: Drink X-Y seconds
  6. When Biden patronizes or self identifies with the working class: Down some brew (Bonus points if you use Miller Highlife)
  7. When Biden lambastes Washington Insiders: Make a toast to his 35 years of experience in the United States Senate
  8. The Joe Biden checklist. If he mentions all of the following, finish your drinks: Blue Collar, Golden Parachute, Little Guy, Washington Insider, Working Class, Clean

Red Team Rules

  1. Every time Palin cites Alaska’s proximity to Russia as “foreign policy experience”: Take a shot of vodka
  2. When Palin claims she said “Thanks but no thanks” to the Bridge to Nowhere: Demand a new drink from your hosts, say “thanks but no thanks,” and then when no one’s looking, take it anyway, then claim you never wanted it.
  3. When Palin recounts putting the governor’s jet on eBay: Auction off a beer to your friends
  4. When Palin insists that governing a small town in Alaska is in fact experience: Give your friend a shot glass of beer when he/she asks for a pint and insist it’s the same thing.
  5. When Palin points out that Biden thought Obama was too inexperienced for the job: Finish your drink and say, “Oh Snap!” If you’re a democrat, follow this by crying.
  6. When Palin claims that Washington’s problems can be solved by small town know how and common sense: Drink a Labatt Blue as you read up on how to become a Canadian citizen.
  7. When Palin talks about being the most popular governor in the country: Go to a room by yourself, realize you’re the most popular person in the room, then finish your drink.
  8. The Sarah Palin checklist. If she mentions all of the following, finish your drinks: Bush Doctrine, Snow Machine, Moose, Lipstick, Hockey Mom, Family Values

Some additions of my own:
  1. When Biden says "literally" when he means "figuratively," don't drink but pretend you did.
  2. When Palin spouts off another 'sentence to nowhere' and manages to include any three of these: healthcare, job creation, terrorism, state's rights, Russia's proximity to Alaska, earmarks, taxes, and John McCain's prisoner of war experience, buy your buddy an O'Douls and tell 'em it's beer.
  3. And to make up for the non-alcoholic nature of the last two: Take a shot whenever anyone in the joint blurts out "What the fuck is she talking about?" And finish your drink if she says she'll get back to us on that.

UPDATE: Wanna make it even more fun? Download your own Palin and Biden fingerpuppets and really make the night bizarre.

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