Monday, July 18, 2005


My company laptop flatlined this morning. I've acquired a loaner PC until I can adopt a new laptop from the IS orphanage.

Then I get to work on gradually resetting everything back to how I like it:

1) I don't like "smart" menus. I want to see it all, including all file extensions and hidden files. Yes, Mr. Gates, that includes program files.

2) Retrieve my old office from one of many places I backed it up on the company network, so I can see my toolbars, macros, and extensive autotext entries on WinWord.

3) Redo my office keyboard - I touch-type and I have an old form of the WordPerfect f-key commands memorized. It's faster than mousing it and I refuse to rememorize them. I reconfigure the keyboard instead.

4) Reconstruct media player playlists and calendar views.

5) Retrieve my wallpaper from the net.

6) Try to force Bloglines and my personal email notifier to play nicely with the new software.

7) Etc. Etc. Etc.

It's going to be a long week.

The only bright spot: I finally get upgraded from Windows 2000.

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