Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Lower-level scandal in Washington via Wonkette. Apparently a female staff assistant ("or "Staff Ass," as the men on the Hill like to say. It's the entry-level job in each office.") created a public blog called Washingtonienne regarding her extra curricular activities, most of which are rated at least a hard R if not an X, and some of which involve money changing hands. (Says Wonkette: "So she has some extracurricular money-making projects -- it's not like she was selling crack. Uhm, OK. . . We mean, it's not like she was selling drugs. She was being entrepreneurial.") Washingtonienne's take on the situation was rather unique: "If you investigated every Staff Ass on the Hill, I am sure you would find out some freaky shit. No way can anybody live on such a low salary. I am convinced that the Congressional offices are full of dealers and hos."

Well, after Wonkette linked her, go figure, the word got around. Now she's been fired "in front of the interns and everything. " Some freaky stuff.


Swamp City cites it in reminding us blogging can be hazardous to your job.

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