Thursday, August 05, 2004

According to the Press-Citizen Kirk Ferentz just doesn't have a clue. Key quotes:

"Ferentz indicated that he thinks some people have used the controversy for their personal gain. He wondered why there was no backlash when The Daily Iowan published a similar story about students living in subsidized housing in 1994.

"The fairness of it, I guess, would be my question," Ferentz said.

"Somebody gave me a copy of an article written in October of 1994 in The Daily Iowan. It was basically the same article.

"So I was interested that some of the people took note this time. I was curious as to their interest 10 years ago. Without naming any names, I thought maybe an individual or two tried to cash in on an opportunity."

Ferentz said he thinks the issue should be resolved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

He also said that his son did nothing wrong, that he lives on a limited budget and that he receives no preferential treatment."

Yep, it's a conspiracy. It has nothing to do with the fact you're a millionare and have no problem with your son stealing housing from low-income families.

I've actually liked the guy as a coach, but this is just infuriating. Admit the kid was wrong for doing it, even if it is legal. Admit you should've guided him better as a parent, and apologize. The rest of us have to do it from time to time. It won't kill you.

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