Thursday, August 31, 2006

From the Miscellanea Files: Things I've Learned on the Internet Lately

Why auto insurance rates in China are so damn expensive. And this could explain the property insurance rates.

If at first you don't succeed . . . . okay, maybe not.

How to make a glowing pickle-lamp
. In case you were wondering.

Finally, a 404 error page that explains how things really work. Based on Senator Ted Stevens', erm, interesting explanation of how the net supposedly works and why content neutrality is, according to him, a bad, bad thing. Apparently he and Al Gore need to have a little chat. . . . or maybe he can just consult with the folks at Myspace, who apparently believe they've found an unhackable method of proving identity. Don't worry, a short bus is being sent to ship them back to Computing 101.

How To Open A Beer Bottle With A Piece Of Paper (youtube link).

Time to stock up for Halloween?

Pointless quizzes are still popular.

Need something to fill that corner in the kitchen? How about a fast food table with unicycle wheels?
Timewaster of the week:
We consider this an online mystery, and a blogging experiment of sorts. Essentially, we have presented five seemingly unrelated clues (three images, one video, and the start of a novel) that should effectively converge to a solution we have in mind, and we've been inviting readers to postulate and hypothesize on what that answer could be.

What's interesting is that, so far, the conjecture produced has been pretty intriguing, with rational linkages that suggest the answer to be as varied as Jamaica's Independence Day, the year 1962, Minister Koizumi, the number 42, evolutionary theory, and James Joyce. This happened with our limited readership, so we were basically curious to see what would happen if 100s or even 1000s of folks participated. It could really boggle the mind to see such a collective response, or we suppose it could also fall flat -- but we are curious nevertheless.

In some respects, we've treated it as a blogging carnival, except that there is no theme, or rather the point is, to figure out the theme. This, we think, is a first, much like an experiment - being science types, we like experiments.

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