Monday, May 16, 2005

Big Legal News

You can now order wines direct from the winery, no matter what state you live in. In-depth analysis of the legal issues can be found on SCOTUSBlog, the Volokh Conspiracy, and lots of other blawgs. I'm not enough of a commerce clause geek to add much to these extensive articles.

On the other hand, I can address the concerns expressed in the Reuters article on the case that the decision will lead to rampant underage drinking. While not admitting to any sort of practical experience in that area, I'd just offer the following observations:

1) As far as high school drinkers go, I don't think this is much of an option. I wasn't even Very few are good enough to be able to smuggle in a UPS shipment of a case of wine without my their parents noticing. Those that are would also be intelligent enough to be able to purchase regardless of an interstate shipping law. I'm not so sure that wine sales surpass such high school staples as, say, MD 20/20, cheap beer, or for the more daring, Everclear or Jager shots.

2) Regarding college students, when the occasion calls for more than just the simple kegger, Ernest and Julio can be bought at the Wal-mart without shipping costs. They're going there anyway to pick up cases of Ramen noodles and Mac & Cheese. Given tuition costs, I don't think even college students with more refined palates will be stocking up their in-dorm wine cellars any time soon.

Not that I'd know anything about it.

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