Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Interesting Point

Jennifer posts a discussion topic:

This one really only applies to bloggers who use their real what extent do you censor yourself on your blog so that your grandmother/boss/high school boyfriend doesn't read something unflattering or risque?

And--theoretically--would you be interested in a collaborative blog where you could anonymously post whatever random nonsense pops into your head?

Hell Heck yeah, I self-censor.

Seriously, I generally refrain from mentioning other people, but not censor my prose. I try to stay off people's lives, because I'm essentially "outing" them as well as myself. If I've got permission, or if I use no names or initials or anything, I will occasionally post about stuff going on in my life, but I try to do it sparingly.

I don't watch my language much, or keep off sexual topics, or moderate my political viewpoints - which are, coincidentally, moderate enough as it is. It's my blog and if you don't like the language, don't read it.

All in all, it does stifle the creativity a tad. Some of the funniest stuff I can think of involves exposing the foibles of close friends and relatives - particularly my own. Fine if you're totally anonymous and they are too, everyone likes a good story. Not so fine if you hurt someone you care about in such a public arena. I don't know how humor writers like David Sedaris do it without having their families take out a contract on their lives. Mine would. They know people.

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