Tuesday, August 31, 2004

From the "Oops - never mind" files:

On Thursday, the DI publishes this story:

"Watch out, upperclassmen: Your tuition may go up just because you're older. UI Student Government President Lindsay Schutte has spoken with the state Board of Regents about the possibility of instituting differential tuition, charging juniors and seniors more to attend the UI. Until now, the student government and Schutte's own Giant Sloth Party have wisely been against this sort of policy. Yet, as the budget crisis has grown, our student government is resorting to unfair and deleterious measures to pay the bills. . . "

The article goes on to rant about the unfairness of the whole system.

On Monday, it publishes this correction:

"In an Aug. 26 editorial, "Tuition discrimination based on age," the DI incorrectly reported that UI Student Government President Lindsay Schutte had spoken to the state Board of Regents about differential tuition. Differential tuition was not discussed at that meeting. The DI regrets the error."

Allrighty then.

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